Архив по рубрике 'Reviews'

Ireland: A Neverland for Forever-Youngs on a Roadtrip

Thanks to St.Patrick and the resilient Celtic spirit: no lockdown or global pandemic ever broke the chain of Irish film screenings held in Ireland itself and other countries gravitated into the Irish cultural space. In terms of filmmaking the wasted 2020 brought up new styles and techniques of creative process: people had to use limited room for their ideas, they had to combine skills of a director, a sound master, a cameraman, a screenwriter and make their movies entirely themselves. Limited resource gave the floor to unlimited flow of creative energy that should have been shared with the audience. While Galway Film Fleadh, Kerry International Film Festival, Cork International Film Festival and their sister fests in Australia went online in 2020, 2021 opened the doors of cinemas in Russia, so all Irish-at-hearts could see freshly released films and shorts from Ireland in Moscow and St.Petersburg. This year I voted all in for the road-movie Poster Boys (2020) – we all need being outside on the road again, and it`s better to be on a road trip in Ireland than anywhere else.

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Journey to Outer Space of Mind

This review will probably dive way deeper into philosophy than the film itself, giving the path mostly for your own thoughts than my speculations. The lockdown provided us with the chance to see new films or rewatch good old ones, but I never looked for easy ways. Suddenly this suspended time opened up a deposit of enriched thoughts, partly linked with films, thus my choice was made in favor of the most provoking and dualistic masterpieces of their times. It is not a battle, nor is it a comparison: I`d just talk around my refreshed impressions of two majestic films with unbelievable stories behind.

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Bless Me Well `N Lucky

Guy Ritchie. I might have written no more, since the director`s name is already a good label for tricky plots with absurdist turns, sharp but brilliant jokes, emphatic characters, colorful visuals and no tolerance, regardless of color, origin, religion, gender, age, sexual identity. This made his professional portrait look like something in between of a divisionist art and a picture on a wanted list. Due to his latest film release date, he was not wanted at Oscars this time, anyway the audience has consumed his long-awaited masterpiece with admiration and appetite for a tailor-made story that had to come to one and only mind in the whole universe. The Gentlemen proves Ritchie guilty as charged: the film is composed of his most signature strokes, and that`s beyond awards.

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Oscar 2020: BlogProFilm selection

Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, namely in 1917, some Parasite with The Irishman and Little Women got stuck into a Marriage Story, while Joker and Jojo Rabbit were placing their bets in Ford V Ferrari battle. Sounds like a fairytale, but this is how the Oscars 2020 is going to be. Almost all nominations depict a synchronized unanimity, a kind of a teamwork. Previous years` trends have gone west, so now we are moving eastward (Parasite), keeping an eye on feminism (Little Women). Here is how our experts see the main results of todays big night.

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The Good, The Bad and The Liar

The third age is winning over the ground for action. We have just talked The Laundromat, and here we go again: bluffing, fraud, money, detective thrills and elderly characters to steal the limelight. The Good Liar is of that kind of films that are to be the talk of the town on the one hand with no single spoiler on the other, quite a task for a reviewer. Anyway, I`ll try, and this time – through the prism of comparison. No matter if you have seen the film or not, just imagine what if… What if the lead part were portrayed by Geoffrey Rush instead of Ian McKellen? This is not an ‘unknown fact about the movie’, it`s just my imagination. The Good Liar keeps the audience in the same expectant suspense compatible to The Best Offer (La migliore offerta) where Rush brilliantly starred in back in 2012, we shared this first-come association with our BlogProFilm reviewers and some of our readers, and this turned out to be the one of the striking pluses about the film. Being a multi-layer puzzle of such level is always a promising start for a detective story.

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Dirty Rotten Scoundrels of Transnational Bluffing

“Based on some real shit” – oh no, that`s not about my life, as you might have assumed. It`s about the mystical world of finance. Are you mixing up futures and derivatives? How about stock option plans? And indeed, do you actually have enough money to maintain such a high-flying conversation? Okay, easy question: how do you like Gary Oldman, Antonio Banderas and Meryl Streep, all in one very tricky movie about big money, shameless bribery and sunny off-shores? This phantasmagoric cocktail named ‘The Laundromat’ was blended by Steven Soderbergh who added some comicality for tipsiness, some satire for bitterness and some politics for strength and served it in a Netflix-HQ cube shaped glass – unfortunately, the film was not released in theaters. Unfortunately, because in fact it is about justice, not fraud, and what justice can we talk about when the audience was banned from choosing the very format of seeing the film (there are still lots of people who love going to theaters). Well, let`s leave this question to legal advisors, although, wait a sec, the legal advisors are our main heroes today!

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Indie vs. Mainstream: A Fight Over Adam Driver

Adam Driver surely is a gifted talent and moreover seemingly born on Sunday. His luck is in escape from being labelled a Star Wars black-hearted bad boy forever. Sometimes this thing happen even to really good actors who had their path crossed with a top popular franchise, remembering Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson (the latter is at least trying to ruin the curse of Twilight by trying different genres: western in Damsel, indie in The Lighthouse and the forthcoming next Batman). Of course he will be associated with Star Wars in some inevitable way, but still both filmmakers and audience see his diverse and flexible acting potential, waiting him to make something brand new. Within past three years he made an appearance in very different independent films, but were these direcors` experiments successful – it is still up to the audience to decide. Jim Jarmush, Spike Lee, Terry Gilliam, and back to Jim Jarmush again – all of them wanted Driver in their movies for his something special in acting, and all of them got him casted. Didn`t Adam get lost in this magic garden of cinematic temptation?

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Once Upon A Time On Silver Screen

Quentin Tarantino made the right professional choice – he knows how to surprise the audience. There might be a vast palette of attitudes to him and his eccentric creative thinking, but he cannot be deprived from high-staking freshness, sense of style and ability to follow it in his own way. Signature aesthetics of bloodshed is a long gone fairytale for lamers, Tarantino is multidimensional and unpredictable. This October he returns on screen with his 9th feature film that has already made the summer – Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood. 10 extra minutes of previously unveiled footage to be shown in theaters while China bans the release of the film, tanking its box office – too much of an intrigue, let`s better talk about the movie itself. It is quite a deed to rebuild the live atmosphere of Hollywood of 1960ies in the name of sweet nostalgia. The way Tarantino coped with this task is absolutely stunning, the soundtrack he has chosen still rocks in my ears, covering the profound performance by Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. For those who think they`re too old for this party: just keep in mind The Irishman by Martin Scorsese that united Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci into the third age dream team.

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A Joker in an Oscars Deck?

As an independent observer I try to avoid putting an eye on someone else`s reviews till I see a movie with my own eyes, but that was a special case. The media campaign were exploding soundly like a cannonade all year round, running before the timeline and promising Joker its pedestal in cinematic history. It was impossible to ignore the tsunami of opinions, however in the piles of positive and even suspiciously saccharine reviews my attention was caught by the one and only IndieWire comment: ‘Fight Club’ is the movie that ‘Joker’ failed to become. While the comic and action film fans held their breath in anticipation, the critics prepared their flattering words for festivals and openings, Joker put a smile on his wicked face and held the Golden Lion in his hands, and I could not put this very peaky comment out of my head.

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Western Battle: The Sisters Brothers vs. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

A few years ago BlogProFilm has already talked about western, its history, rises and falls, classics and innovative approaches. Since then the western has expanded its film vault and does not tend to slow down. Now the genre proves to be developing sustainably, and will not give up its podium without a fight. However, quantity does not always mean quality, and all-star cast not always guarantee the success. To substantiate the words with some proof let me compare two top-expected westerns screened in late 2018: The Sisters Brothers and The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. Prepare your SAA`s and sharpen your knives, gents, that`s no rap-battle, this is film critics in motion.

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