Архив за November, 2019

The Good, The Bad and The Liar

The third age is winning over the ground for action. We have just talked The Laundromat, and here we go again: bluffing, fraud, money, detective thrills and elderly characters to steal the limelight. The Good Liar is of that kind of films that are to be the talk of the town on the one hand with no single spoiler on the other, quite a task for a reviewer. Anyway, I`ll try, and this time – through the prism of comparison. No matter if you have seen the film or not, just imagine what if… What if the lead part were portrayed by Geoffrey Rush instead of Ian McKellen? This is not an ‘unknown fact about the movie’, it`s just my imagination. The Good Liar keeps the audience in the same expectant suspense compatible to The Best Offer (La migliore offerta) where Rush brilliantly starred in back in 2012, we shared this first-come association with our BlogProFilm reviewers and some of our readers, and this turned out to be the one of the striking pluses about the film. Being a multi-layer puzzle of such level is always a promising start for a detective story.

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Dirty Rotten Scoundrels of Transnational Bluffing

“Based on some real shit” – oh no, that`s not about my life, as you might have assumed. It`s about the mystical world of finance. Are you mixing up futures and derivatives? How about stock option plans? And indeed, do you actually have enough money to maintain such a high-flying conversation? Okay, easy question: how do you like Gary Oldman, Antonio Banderas and Meryl Streep, all in one very tricky movie about big money, shameless bribery and sunny off-shores? This phantasmagoric cocktail named ‘The Laundromat’ was blended by Steven Soderbergh who added some comicality for tipsiness, some satire for bitterness and some politics for strength and served it in a Netflix-HQ cube shaped glass – unfortunately, the film was not released in theaters. Unfortunately, because in fact it is about justice, not fraud, and what justice can we talk about when the audience was banned from choosing the very format of seeing the film (there are still lots of people who love going to theaters). Well, let`s leave this question to legal advisors, although, wait a sec, the legal advisors are our main heroes today!

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И снова старики-разбойники…

Фильм «Хороший лжец» (США, 2019, режиссёр Билл Кондон), на днях вышедший на российские экраны, обращается к модной нынче теме активности людей «третьего возраста». Таких фильмов о бодрых старичках, падких до новых чувств и приключений, уже немало. Но в этой картине речь не о занятиях в кружках «Для тех, кому за 70» и даже не о доморощенных расследованиях финансовых злоупотреблений, как в «Прачечной», тут чистой воды криминал с непосредственным участием очень пожилых людей.

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Вы тоже путаете фьючерсы и деривативы? А как насчёт опционов? И вообще, есть ли у вас деньги, чтобы вести столь серьёзный разговор? Ладно, вопрос попроще: как вы относитесь к Гэри Олдмэну, Антонио Бандерасу и Мерил Стрип? А ко всем троим в одном странноватом фильме про большие деньги, бесстыдную коррупцию и солнечные оффшоры? Всё это смешалось в фантасмагорическом коктейле под названием «Прачечная» (The Laundromat), к которому опытный «бармен» Стивен Содерберг добавил комичности для весёлого хмеля, сатиры для горчинки, политики для крепости и подал в бокале в форме кубического здания штаб-квартиры Netflix на Сансет-бульваре – увы, фильм не идёт в кинотеатрах. Увы потому, что фильм-то, как ни странно, не столько о мошенничестве, сколько о справедливости, а это несправедливо – лишать зрителей возможности выбора формата просмотра. Впрочем, с этим прошу к юристам. Минутку, к ним-то мы сейчас и отправимся!

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Indie vs. Mainstream: A Fight Over Adam Driver

Adam Driver surely is a gifted talent and moreover seemingly born on Sunday. His luck is in escape from being labelled a Star Wars black-hearted bad boy forever. Sometimes this thing happen even to really good actors who had their path crossed with a top popular franchise, remembering Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson (the latter is at least trying to ruin the curse of Twilight by trying different genres: western in Damsel, indie in The Lighthouse and the forthcoming next Batman). Of course he will be associated with Star Wars in some inevitable way, but still both filmmakers and audience see his diverse and flexible acting potential, waiting him to make something brand new. Within past three years he made an appearance in very different independent films, but were these direcors` experiments successful – it is still up to the audience to decide. Jim Jarmush, Spike Lee, Terry Gilliam, and back to Jim Jarmush again – all of them wanted Driver in their movies for his something special in acting, and all of them got him casted. Didn`t Adam get lost in this magic garden of cinematic temptation?

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